1000 Things Worth Knowing

1000 Things Worth Knowing


Genre(s): ,

Narrators: , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Number of Chapters: 79

Length: 08 hours and 27 minutes

Language: English

Part almanac, part encyclopedia, part dictionary, Nathaniel C. Fowler, Jr. gives us his idea of important, but sometimes obscure, facts that he thinks should be in our bank of general knowledge. He includes a large section on medical emergency and health. Items are arranged in alphabetical order, so there is no logical presentation, but reference is made easy. Or, it is just interesting browsing, and a glimpse into the world of the early twentieth century. - Summary by Larry Wilson

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Preface (Larry Wilson)
Acetylene Gas - Artificial Ice (Logan Lorenz)
Atlantic Cable (Pamela Nagami)
Atmosphere - Birth Stones (Zozue)
Blind - Brook Farm (Zozue)
Calculating Interest (Zozue)
Canals - Celluloid (Zozue)
Certified Checks - Climate and Temperature (Zozue)
Coal Industry - Comets (Zozue)
Common Measurements - Communism and Socialism (BettyB)
Comparative Population of the United States - Corsets (Greg Giordano)
Cosmetics - Crust of the Earth (BettyB)
Daguerreotypes - Digestibility of Foods (BettyB)
Distances Between Cities in the United States (BettyB)
Diving Bells - Dynamite (BettyB)
Earth Facts - Earthquakes (BettyB)
Earthquake Areas of the Earth - Embezzlement (Adele Pooley)
Errors of History - Esperanto (BettyB)
Failures - Farm Production (Pam Jameson)
First Trans-Atlantic Steamship - Foretelling the Weather (Amelia Chesley)
Freemasonry - Grain Industry (BettyB)
Gravity - Great Tunnels (BettyB)
Hair Growers - Health (GrimsonB)
Historical Facts (BettyB)
Holy Grail - Insane (BettyB)
Iron Industry - Languages of the World (BettyB)
Large Cities of North America Akron, O. - Muskogee, Okla. (BettyB)
Large Cities of North America Nashua, N. H. - Winnipeg, Man. (BettyB)
Law - Liquor and Wine Industry (BettyB)
Literature - Moon (BettyB)
Mortality - Naturalization (Adele Pooley)
Newspapers - Ocean Ownership (BettyB)
Old Time Ships - Partnership (Adele Pooley)
Patent Medicines (Eva Staes)
Perpetual Motion - Pole Star (Adele Pooley)
Population and Land Area of the United States - Population Per Square Mile (Greg Giordano)
Porto Rico - Principal Countries of the World (BettyB)
Printing Presses - Pure Food (WilkieMills)
Pyramids - Roads (Pam Jameson)
Round Table - Seven Deadly Sins (Marta A)
Seven Liberal Arts - Ship Bells (Marta A)
Slavery - Solar System (Marta A)
Some Things Worth Knowing - Spectacles and Glasses (BettyB)
Sporting, Speed, and Other Records - Airship Records - Endurance Records (Foon)
Sporting, Speed, and Other Records - Hammer Throwing - Shot Putting Professional (Foon)
Sporting, Speed, and Other Records - Skating Amateur - Walking Records Professional (Foon)
Standard Time - Stars, Their Number (Amelia Chesley)
Star Spangled Banner - Statistics of Population United States, by States (BettyB)
Stature and Weights (Greg Giordano)
Steam Engine - Sugar Industry (Foon)
Sunday Schools - Telegraph (Foon)
Telephone - Thunder (Foon)
Ticket-of-Leave - Tom Thumb (Foon)
To Produce Different Colors - Turbines (Foon)
Type - United States Flag (Foon)
United States History in Brief (BettyB)
University Extension - Watered Stock (Marta A)
Wealth of Nations - Wedding Anniversaries (BettyB)
Weights and Measures (Foon)
What to Do in Emergencies (Eva Staes)
Accidents - Baths (Foon)
Bleeding - Chilblains (Foon)
Cleanliness - Diphtheria (Foon)
Disinfectants - Dog Bites (Marta A)
Drowning (Marta A)
Drowning Another Method - Emergencies with Children (Marta A)
Emergency Medicines - Glycerin (Eva Staes)
Emergency Medicines - Peppermint - Emetics and Stimulants (Eva Staes)
Exercise - Fainting (Foon)
Feeding an Invalid - Fumigating a Sick-Room (Foon)
Getting Things into the Eye, Nose, Ear, etc. - Hiccoughs (Marta A)
How to Avoid Accidents - Neuralgia (Marta A)
Poison - For Poisonous Mushrooms (Amelia Chesley)
Pulse - Scalds and Burns (Marta A)
Shock or Collapse -Sore Throat (RussellEric)
Sprains - Sunstroke (RussellEric)
Temperature of the Body - Vomiting (RussellEric)
Wills - Woman's Suffrage (RussellEric)
Women Voters - Yankee Doodle (Larry Wilson)
The audiobook 1000 Things Worth Knowing falls under the genres of , . It is written by .