An Outline History of Japan

A history of Japan from its origins to the early 20th century. - Summary by Kazbek

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Introduction: Why Study Japanese History? (Kazbek)
Chapter I. Preliminaries (Cavaet)
Chapter II. Origin, Race and Language (Sean Winchell)
Chapter III. Mythical Japan (Sean Winchell)
Chapter IV. Legendary Japan (magpie42)
Chapter V. Primitive Japan (Seraphina)
Chapter VI. The Protohistoric Age (Seraphina)
Chapter VII. The Coming of Buddhism (Victor Dorff)
Chapter VIII. The Great Reform (Cavaet)
Chapter IX. "The Great Discovery" (Cavaet)
Chapter X. The Nara Period (mildmeme)
Chapter XI. The Capital Moves to Kyoto (mildmeme)
Chapter XII. Taira versus Minamoto (mildmeme)
Chapter XIII. The Hojo Regency (1199-1333) (Larry Wilson)
Chapter XIV. The Hojo Culture (Kazbek)
Chapter XV. The Ashikaga Shoguns (Cavaet)
Chapter XVI. The Coming of the Foreigner (Louise J. Belle)
Chapter XVII. The Era of Military Dictatorship (Larry Wilson)
Chapter XVIII. The Regency of Hideyoshi (Cavaet)
Chapter XIX. The First Tokugawa Shogun (Cavaet)
Chapter XX. The First Successors of Iyeyasu (1605-1651) (Larry Wilson)
Chapter XXI. Iyetsuna to Iyetsugu (1651-1716) (Larry Wilson)
Chapter XXII. From Yoshimune to Iyeharu (1716-1786) (Larry Wilson)
Chapter XXIII. Iyenari to the Coming of Perry (1787-1853) (Luke Oldham)
Chapter XXIV. The Reopening of Japan (1853-1854) (Luke Oldham)
Chapter XXV. The Beginnings of Meiji (Nadhifa A)
Chapter XXVI. The Era of Expansion (Kay Dropiewski)
Chapter XXVII. The Last Years of Meiji (hearmeout7)
Chapter XXVIII. The New Era of Taisho (Seraphina)
Chapter XXIX. Aftermaths of the Great War (Elsie Selwyn)
Chapter XXX. The Great Earthquake and After (Elsie Selwyn)
Chapter XXXI. The Beginning of Showa (Nadhifa A)
Appendix I. Constitution of the Empire of Japan (Cbteddy)
Appendix II. First Treaty between Japan and the United States, 1854 (Nadhifa A)
Appendix III. Anglo-Japanese Treaty of January 30, 1902 (czandra)
Appendix IV. Agreement between Japan and the United Kingdom (czandra)
Appendix V. The Gentlemen's Agreement (Victor Dorff)
Appendix VI. Convention Embodying Basic Rules of the Relations between Japan and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Victor Dorff)
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