Devotions upon Emergent Occasions

Devotions upon Emergent Occasions


Genre(s): , ,

Narrators: , , , , , , , ,

Number of Chapters: 24

Length: 5 hours and 59 minutes

Language: English

Devotions upon Emergent Occasions is a 1624 prose work by the English writer John Donne. It is a series of reflections that were written as Donne recovered from a serious illness, believed to be either typhus or relapsing fever. (Donne does not clearly identify the disease in his text.) The work consists of twenty-three parts describing each stage of the sickness. Each part is further divided into a Meditation, an Expostulation, and a Prayer.

The seventeenth meditation is perhaps the best-known part of the work. It contains the following passage:
"No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were: any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee." (Summary by Wikipedia)

Continue to listen:    
00 - Dedication (Fr. Richard Zeile of Detroit)
01 - Devotion 1 (Fr. Richard Zeile of Detroit)
02 - Devotion 2 (David Barnes)
03 - Devotion 3 (Andrew Coleman)
04 - Devotion 4 (Andrew Coleman)
05 - Devotion 5 (Alana Jordan)
06 - Devotion 6 (Alana Jordan)
07 - Devotion 7 (Fr. Richard Zeile of Detroit)
08 - Devotion 8 (Fr. Richard Zeile of Detroit)
09 - Devotion 9 (Fr. Richard Zeile of Detroit)
10 - Devotion 10 (Justin Brett)
11 - Devotion 11 (Kevin Lavin)
12 - Devotion 12 (Philippa)
13 - Devotion 13 (David Lawrence)
14 - Devotion 14 (Justin Brett)
15 - Devotion 15 (Philippa)
16 - Devotion 16 (David Lawrence)
17 - Devotion 17 (TriciaG)
18 - Devotion 18 (TriciaG)
19 - Devotion 19 (TriciaG)
20 - Devotion 20 (TriciaG)
21 - Devotion 21 (TriciaG)
22 - Devotion 22 (TriciaG)
23 - Devotion 23 (TriciaG)
The audiobook Devotions upon Emergent Occasions falls under the genres of , , . It is written by .