Discourses of Epictetus

Discourses of Epictetus

Author(s): ,

Genre(s): ,


Number of Chapters: 96

Length: 13 hours and 57 minutes

Language: English

Philosophical discourses of Epictetus as recorded by his affectionate student, Arrian. One main precept expounded is that we do not fear events but rather our thoughts about those events. (Summary by the reader)

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Introduction and Preface (Christine Rottger)
Book I I. Of the Things Which Are in Our Power, and Not in Our Power (Christine Rottger)
II. How a Man on Every Occasion Can Maintain His Proper Character (Christine Rottger)
III. How a Man Should Proceed from the Principles of God Being the Father of All Men to the Rest (Christine Rottger)
IV. Of Progress or Improvement (Christine Rottger)
V. Against the Academics (Christine Rottger)
VI. Of Providence (Christine Rottger)
VII. Of the Use of Sophistical Arguments and Hypothetical and the Like (Christine Rottger)
VIII. That the Faculties Are Not Safe to the Uninstructed (Christine Rottger)
IX. How from the Fact That We Are Akin to God a Man May Proceed to the Consequences (Christine Rottger)
X. Against Those Who Eagerly Seek Preferment at Rome (Christine Rottger)
XI. Of Natural Affection (Christine Rottger)
XII. Of Contentment (Christine Rottger)
XIII. How Everything May Be Done Acceptably to the Gods (Christine Rottger)
XIV. That the Deity Oversees All Things (Christine Rottger)
XV. What Philosophy Promises (Christine Rottger)
XVI. Of Providence (Christine Rottger)
XVII. That the Logical Art is Necessary (Christine Rottger)
XVIII. That We Ought Not to Be Angry with the Errors (Faults) of Others (Christine Rottger)
XIX. How We Should Behave to Tyrants (Christine Rottger)
XX. About Reason, How I Contemplates Itself (Christine Rottger)
XXI. Against Those Who Wish to Be Admired (Christine Rottger)
XXII. On Precognition (Christine Rottger)
XXIII. Against Epicurus (Christine Rottger)
XXIV. How We Should Struggle with Circumstances (Christine Rottger)
XXV. On the Same (Christine Rottger)
XXVI. What is the Law of Life (Christine Rottger)
XXVII. In How Many Ways Appearances Exist, and What Aids We Should Provide Against Them (Christine Rottger)
XXVIII. That We Ought Not to Be Angry with Men; and What are the Small and the Great Things Among Men (Christine Rottger)
XXIX. On Constancy (Or Firmness) (Christine Rottger)
XXX. What We Ought to Have Ready in Difficult Circumstances (Christine Rottger)
Book II I. That Confidence (Courage) is Not Inconsistent with Caution (Christine Rottger)
II. Of Tranquility (Freedom from Perturbation) (Christine Rottger)
III. To Those Who Recommend Persons to Philosophers (Christine Rottger)
IV. Against a Person Who Had Once Been Detected in Adultery (Christine Rottger)
V. How Magnanimity Is Consistent with Care (Christine Rottger)
VI. Of Indifference (Christine Rottger)
VII. How We Ought to Use Divination (Christine Rottger)
VIII. What Is the Nature ('H Ουσία) Of the Good (Christine Rottger)
IX. That When We Cannot Fulfil That Which the Character of a Man Promises, We Assume the Character of a Philosopher (Christine Rottger)
X. How We May Discover the Duties of Life from Names (Christine Rottger)
XI. What the Beginning of Philosophy Is (Christine Rottger)
XII. Of Disputation or Discussion (Christine Rottger)
XIII. On Anxiety (Solicitude) (Christine Rottger)
XIV. To Naso (Christine Rottger)
XV. To or Against Those Who Obstinately Persist in What They Have Determined (Christine Rottger)
XVI. That We Do Not Strive to Use Our Opinions About Good and Evil (Christine Rottger)
XVII. How We Must Adapt Preconceptions to Particular Cases (Christine Rottger)
XVIII. How We Should Struggle Against Appearances (Christine Rottger)
XIX. Against Those Who Embrace Philosophical Opinions Only in Words (Christine Rottger)
XX. Against the Epicureans and the Academics (Christine Rottger)
XXI. Of Inconsistency (Christine Rottger)
XXII. On Friendship (Christine Rottger)
XXIII. On the Power of Speaking (Christine Rottger)
XXIV. To (Or Against) a Person Who Was One of Those Who Were Not Valued (Esteemed by Him) (Christine Rottger)
XXV. That Logic is Necessary (Christine Rottger)
XXVI. What Is the Property of Error (Christine Rottger)
Book III I. Of Finery in Dress (Christine Rottger)
II. In What a Man Ought to Be Exercised Who Has Made Proficiency and That We Neglect the Chief Things (Christine Rottger)
III. What Is the Matter on Which a Good Man Should be Employed, and in What We Ought Chiefly to Practice Ourselves (Christine Rottger)
IV. Against a Person Who Showed His Partisanship in an Unseemly Way in a Theatre (Christine Rottger)
V. Against Those Who on Account of Sickness Go Away Home (Christine Rottger)
VI. Miscellaneous (Christine Rottger)
VII. To the Administrator of the Free Cities Who Was an Epicurean (Christine Rottger)
VIII. How We Must Exercise Ourselves Against Appearances (Φαντασίασ) (Christine Rottger)
IX. To A Certain Rhetorician Who Was Going Up to Rome on a Suit (Christine Rottger)
X. In What Manner We Ought to Bear Sickness (Christine Rottger)
XI. Certain Misceallaneous Matters (Christine Rottger)
XII. About Exercise (Christine Rottger)
XIII. What Solitude Is, and What Kind of Person a Solitary Man Is (Christine Rottger)
XIV. Certain Miscellaneous Matters (Christine Rottger)
XV. That We Ought to Proceed with Circumspection to Everything (Christine Rottger)
XVI. That We Ought with Caution to Enter into Familiar Intercourse with Men (Christine Rottger)
XVII. On Providence (Christine Rottger)
XVIII. That We Ought Not to Be Disturbed by Any News (Christine Rottger)
XIX. What is the Condition of a Common Kind of Man and of a Philosopher (Christine Rottger)
XX. That We Can Derive Advantage from All External Things (Christine Rottger)
XXI. Against Those Who Readily Come to the Profession of Sophists (Christine Rottger)
XXII. About Cynism (Christine Rottger)
XXIII. To Those Who Read and Discuss for the Sake of Ostentation (Christine Rottger)
XXIV. That We Ought Not to Be Moved by a Desire of Those Things Which Are Not in Our Power (Christine Rottger)
XXV. To Those Who Fall Off (Desist) from Their Purpose (Christine Rottger)
XXVI. To Those Who Fear Want (Christine Rottger)
Book IV I. About Freedom (Christine Rottger)
II. On Familiar Intimacy (Christine Rottger)
III. What Things We Should Exchange for Other Things (Christine Rottger)
IV. To Those Who Are Desirous of Passing Life in Tranquility (Christine Rottger)
V. Against the Quarrelsome and Ferocious (Christine Rottger)
VI. Against Those Who Lament Over Being Pitied (Christine Rottger)
VII. On Freedom From Fear (Christine Rottger)
VIII. Against Those Who Hastily Rush Into the Use of the Philosophic Dress (Christine Rottger)
IX. To a Person Who Had Been Changed to a Character of Shamelessness (Christine Rottger)
X. What Things We Ought to Despise, and What Things We Ought to Value (Christine Rottger)
XI. About Purity (Cleanliness) (Christine Rottger)
XII. On Attention (Christine Rottger)
XIII. Against or to Those Who Readily Tell Their Own Affairs (Christine Rottger)
The audiobook Discourses of Epictetus falls under the genres of , . It is written by , .