Jean Craig, Graduate Nurse

Jean Craig, Graduate Nurse


Genre(s): ,

Narrators: , , , , , , ,

Number of Chapters: 21

Length: 05 hours and 03 minutes

Language: English

As Jean Craig finished her training and prepared for graduation, illness struck—first in her own family, and later in epidemics that swept the village of Elmhurst. It was with a deep feeling of satisfaction that Jean was able to give trained and efficient aid at the hospital. It was with equal satisfaction that she watched romance blossom between Dr. Benson, the fresh young intern, and Eileen Gordon, the new Supervisor of Nurses, and discovered that her sister Kit was practically engaged. But the joy of the family reached a new peak when Doris, the youngest daughter, won a music scholarship. Jean Craig, Graduate Nurse is another heartwarming and happy story about the Craigs of Elmhurst. - Summary by Falcon Books

Continue to listen:    
Illness Strikes! (Carmen Fullmer)
A Villain Unmasked (Richa Jain)
Fresh As Paint! (Jim Locke)
Emergency Operation (Dulaney High Key Club)
April Wedding (Dulaney High Key Club)
Dr. Benson Confesses (RK Wilcox)
Ralph Returns from Europe (Dulaney High Key Club)
Jean and Ralph Discuss Their Future (Dulaney High Key Club)
Polio Claims a Victim (Richa Jain)
Kit at the Capital (Jim Locke)
Kit and Frank (Jim Locke)
An All Night Vigil (Carol Sutton)
The Doctor’s Dilemma (drwifey)
Mercyville (drwifey)
Graduation! (Carol Sutton)
Double Triumph (Jim Locke)
Judge Ellis Is Trapped (Jim Locke)
Just Among Girls (RK Wilcox)
Elmhurst vs. Mercyville (RK Wilcox)
Sweethearts’ Dance (RK Wilcox)
Summer’s End (KevinS)
The audiobook Jean Craig, Graduate Nurse falls under the genres of , . It is written by .