Myths and Legends Around the World - Collection 18

This collection is dedicated to recordings of short mythical or legendary works which are in the Public Domain. The stories tell of legends, heroes, myths, and ancient lore from many different cultures. (Summary by Lynette Caulkins)

Continue to listen:    
The Wonderful Weaver - Ancient Greek (Victoria Sandels)
Story of the Brâhmaṇ’s Wife and the Mungoose - Southern Indian (cdeo)
The Story of Cupid and Psyche - Classical Greek (Mariah Kerr)
Keep it for the Beggar - Southern Indian (cdeo)
The Brahmarâkshas and the Hair - Southern Indian (Sachi)
The Northmen's Story of How All Things Began - Norse (Kristina Norman)
How Thor Went to Jötunheim - Norse (Tom Finicle)
A Tyrolian Forester's Legend - Central European (Jeanne Chilton)
Harisarman - Indian (Arnav Darnal)
Twelve Feet of Nose - Roman (Luke Geoghegan)
The Convent Free from Care - Belgian (Tom Finicle)
The Fairy Fisherman - Maori (Beeswaxcandle)
The audiobook Myths and Legends Around the World - Collection 18 falls under the genres of , , , . It is written by .