Author(s): Hilaire Belloc
Genre(s): Essays & Short Works
Narrators: Kingsnake, Paul Harvey, Anamika, Larry Wilson, Owlivia, Devorah Allen, Peter S. Chong, Aubrie Kinser, Arden, TheIntern356, Phil Schempf, Joanna Schreck, KHurst, Czandra, Stacy Dugan-Wilcox, A D Latheron, Wolfgang Bas
Number of Chapters: 30
Length: 06 hours and 10 minutes
Language: English
Hilaire Belloc, French by birth, British by naturalization, was a diverse and prolific writer of the early 20th century. His writing runs the range from poetry, political writings and children’s stories. He was a close friend, and sometimes collaborator with fellow Catholic G.K. Chesterton.
This book is a collection of essays and other short writings on a vast array of subjects ranging from observations on Bad Verse and Mumbo-Jumbo to Sailing the Seas and Hatred of Numbers.
- Summary by Larry Wilson