One Hundred and One Hymn Stories
Author(s): Carl F. Price
Genre(s): Essays & Short Works, Christianity - Other
Narrators: Larry Wilson, Cel Pena, TotalEcho, BettyB, Nighthawks, Sgoetz73, Rebecca Lindsey, Shelly Weingart, Corrie Giffone, Holls, Alan Mapstone, Proboomer, Robert Gordon, GodsDreamer, Jomb, Rebecca Eden Walker, DShieber, Beeswaxcandle
Number of Chapters: 102
Length: 03 hours and 47 minutes
Language: English
Carl F. Price, a pioneering hymnologist, historian, and author, says, "Every real hymn has its story, if only we could discover it.." This book takes behind the scenes with glimpses of the hymn writers to give us those stories. The hymns range from those from familiar hymnologists such as Charles Wesley and Isaac Watts to earlier writings such as from Saint Stephen the Sabaite, and Bernard of Cluny. Here you will find the story behind "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God," "Onward, Christian Soldiers," "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name." - Summary by Larry Wilson