One Hundred and One Hymn Stories

Carl F. Price, a pioneering hymnologist, historian, and author, says, "Every real hymn has its story, if only we could discover it.." This book takes behind the scenes with glimpses of the hymn writers to give us those stories. The hymns range from those from familiar hymnologists such as Charles Wesley and Isaac Watts to earlier writings such as from Saint Stephen the Sabaite, and Bernard of Cluny. Here you will find the story behind "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God," "Onward, Christian Soldiers," "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name." - Summary by Larry Wilson

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Dedication and Preface (Larry Wilson)
My Faith Looks up to Thee by Ray Parmer, 1808-1887 (Cel Pena)
Peace, Perfect Peace by Bishop Edward Henry Bickersteth, 1825 - 1906 (Cel Pena)
Where Cross the Crowded Ways of Life by Frank Mason North, 1850 - (Cel Pena)
Sweet the Moments, Rich in Blessing by Walter Shirley, 1725 - 1786 (Cel Pena)
Hark, thee Voice of Jesus Calling by Dantet Marcuh, 1816 - 1909 (Cel Pena)
I Love to Steal an Hour Away by Phebe Hinsdale Brown, 1783 - 1861 (TotalEcho)
Praise to the Holiest in the Height by John Henry Newman, 1801 - 1890 (TotalEcho)
How Are Thy Servants Blest, O Lord by Joseph Addison, 1672 - 1719 (TotalEcho)
Depth of Mercy Can Thee Be by Charles Wesley, 1707 - 1788 (TotalEcho)
O Little Town of Bethlehem by Phillips Brooks, 1835 - 2893 (BettyB)
Another Year Is Downing by Frances Ridley Havergal, 1836 - 1879 (nighthawks)
Just as I Am, Without One Plea by Charlotte Elliott, 1789 - 1871 (Larry Wilson)
"Almost Persuaded," Now to Believe by Phillip Bliss, 1838 - 1876 (Larry Wilson)
The Whole Worth Was Lost in the Darkness of Sin by Phillip Bliss, 1838 - 1876 (sgoetz73)
Blest Be the Tie That Binds by John Fawcett, 1739 - 1817 (Rebecca Lindsey)
Be Not Dismayed Whate'er Betide by C.D. Martin (Shelly Weingart)
O Beautiful for Spacious Skies by Katharine Lee Bates, 1859 - (BettyB)
Fling Out the Banner, Let It Float by George Washington Doane, 1799 - 1859 (Cel Pena)
Glory Be to the Father (Rebecca Lindsey)
I was a Wandering Sheep by Horatius Bonar, 1808 - 1889 (Corrie Giffone)
Come, O Thou All-Victorious Lord by Charles Wesley, 1707 - 1788 (Corrie Giffone)
Saviour, Breathe an Evening Blessing by James Edmeston, 1791 - 1867 (Corrie Giffone)
There's a Friend for Little Children by Albert Midlane, 1825 - 1909 (Corrie Giffone)
I'm But a Stranger Here by Thomas Rawson Taylor, 1807 - 1835 (Corrie Giffone)
From Every Stormy Wind that Blows by Hugh Stowell, 1799 - 1865 (Cel Pena)
Our Thought of Thee Is Glad with Hope John Greenleaaf Whittier, 1807 - 1892 (nighthawks)
Servant of God, Well Done by James Montgomery, 1771 - 1854 (Cel Pena)
God of Our Fathers, Known of Old by Rudyard Kipling, 1865 - (Shelly Weingart)
My Lord, Now Full of Sweet Contennt by Madame Guyon, 1648 - 1717 (Cel Pena)
Jesus, Where'er Thy People Meet by William Cowper, 1731 - 1800 (Larry Wilson)
Jesus, Lover of my Soul, by Charles Wesley, 1707 - 1788 (Larry Wilson)
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross by Isaac Watts, 1674 - 1748 (Larry Wilson)
All Glory, Laud, and Honor by Saint Theodulph, - 821 (Shelly Weingart)
The Day of Resurrection by John of Damascus (nighthawks)
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name by Edward Perronet, 1726 - 172 (Larry Wilson)
Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus by George Duffield, Jr., 1818 - 1888 (Larry Wilson)
From Greenland's Icy Mountains by Reginald Heber 1783 - 1826 (Cel Pena)
O Love that Will Not Let Me Go by George Matheson 1842 - 1906 (Larry Wilson)
Now Thank We All Our God by Martin Rinkart, 1586 - 1649 (Holls)
Golden Harps Are Sounding by Frances Ridley Havergal 1836 - 1879 (Holls)
Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah by William Williams, 1717 - 1791 (Alan Mapstone)
Thy Life Was Given for Me by Frances Ridley Havergal 1836 - 1879 (Holls)
Come Unto Me, Ye Weary by William Chatterton Dix, 1837 - 1898 (Holls)
Welcome, Happy Morning, Age to Age Shall Say by Venantius Honorius Clementianus Fortunatus 530 - 609 (nighthawks)
Shepherd of Tender Youth by Clement of Alexandria, ca. 170 - 220 (proboomer)
Flung to the Heedless Winds by Martin Luther, 1483 - 1546 (Holls)
Behold the Saviour of Mankind by Samuel Wesley, 1662 - 1735 (Larry Wilson)
Onward, Christian Soldiers by Sabine Baring-Gould, 1834 - (Alan Mapstone)
Tell Me the Old, Old Story by Katherine Hankey, (1866) (Larry Wilson)
Jesus, They Blood and Righteousness by Count Nicolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf, 1700 - 1760 (Robert Gordon)
Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory of the Coming of the Loard by Julia Ward Howe, 1819 - 1910 (BettyB)
Jesus Shall Reign Where'er the Sun by Isaac Watts, 1674 - 1748 (Larry Wilson)
Lead, Kindly Light, Amid th' Encircling Gloom by John Henry Newman, 1801 - 1890 (Alan Mapstone)
Gentle Jesus, Meek and Mild by Charles Wesley, 1707 - 1788 (GodsDreamer)
In the Cross of Christ I Glory by John Bowring, 1792 - 1872 (GodsDreamer)
Oft in Danger, Oft in Woe by Henry Kirke White, 1785 - 1806, Frances Sara Collquhoun, 1809 - 1877 (GodsDreamer)
My Country, 'Tis of Thee by Samuel Francis Smith, 1808 - 1895 (BettyB)
O Say, Can You See by the Dawn's Early Light by Francis Scott Key, 1779 - 1843 (BettyB)
Jerusalem the Golden by Bernard of Cluny, 12th Century (proboomer)
O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing by Charles Wesley, 1707 - 1788 (Holls)
Christians, Awake, Salute the Happy Morn by John Byrom, 1692 - 1763 (Robert Gordon)
I'll Praise My Maker While I've Breath by Isaac Watts, 1694 - 1748 (Robert Gordon)
Break Thou the Bread of Life by Mary Ann Lathbury, 1841 - 1913 (Holls)
There Is a Land of Pure Delight by Isaac Watts, 1694 - 1748 (Robert Gordon)
Strong Son of God, Immortal Love by Alfred, Lord Tennyson, 1809 - 1892 (Robert Gordon)
Lord, I Hear of Showers of Blessing by Elizabeth Codner (Robert Gordon)
O Jesus, Thou Art Standing by Bishop William Walsham How, 1823 - 1897 (Robert Gordon)
Jesus, Saviour, Pilot Me by Edward Hopper, 1818 - 1888 (Robert Gordon)
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing by Robert Robinson, 1735 - 1790 (Robert Gordon)
Sow in the Morn Thy Seed by James Montgomery, 1771 - 1854 (jomb)
Glorious Things of The Are Spoken by John Newton, 1725 - 1807 (jomb)
Hark, My Soul, It Is the Lord by William Cowper, 1731 - 1800 (jomb)
Sun of My Soul, Thou Saviour Dear by John Keble, 1792 - 1866 (jomb)
The Morning Light Is Breaking by Samuel Francis Smith, 1808 - 1895 (jomb)
Take My Life, and Let It Be by Frances Ridley Havergal 1836 - 1879 (proboomer)
I Think, When I Read That Sweet Story of Old by Jemima Luke, 1813 - 1906 (Robert Gordon)
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God by Martin Luther, 1483 - 1546 (Alan Mapstone)
Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow by Bishop Thomas Ken, 1637 - 1710 (Rebecca Eden Walker)
What a Friend We Have in Jesus by Joseph Scriven, 1820 - 1886 (Holls)
O God, My Powers Are Thine by Frederick Watson Hannan, 1865 - (Robert Gordon)
Alas, and Did My Saviour Bleed by Isaac Watts, 1674 - 1748 (Larry Wilson)
The Sands of Time Are Sinking by Anne Ross Cousin, 1824 - 1906 (DShieber)
Art Thou Weary, Art Thou Languid by Saint Stephen the Sabaite, 725 - 794 (Robert Gordon)
The Day of Wrath, That Dreadful Day by Thomas of Celano, ? - 1255 (Larry Wilson)
O King of Kings, O Lord of Hosts by Henry Burton, 1840 - (Robert Gordon)
Faith of Our Fathers, Living Still by Frederick William Faber, 1814 - 1863 (Robert Gordon)
Through the Night of Doubt and Sorrow by Bernhardt Severin Ingleman, 1789 - 1862 (Larry Wilson)
The Spacious Firmament on High by Joseph Addison, 1672 - 1719 (Larry Wilson)
Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me by Augustus Montague Toplady, 1740 - 1778 (Holls)
Abide with Me, Fast Falls Eventide by Henry Francis Lyte, 1796 - 1847 (Beeswaxcandle)
Christ for the World We Sing by Samuel Wolcott, 1813 - 1886 (Beeswaxcandle)
Forward, Be Our Watchword by Henry Alford, 1810 - 1871 (Beeswaxcandle)
Come, Thou Almighty King - Author Unknown (Beeswaxcandle)
He Leadeth Me, O Blessed Thought by Joseph Henry Gilmore, 1834 - (Beeswaxcandle)
Hail to the Lord's Anoinnted by James Montgomery, 1771 - 1854 (Beeswaxcandle)
We Plow the Fields, and Scatter by Matthias Claudius, 1740 - 1815 (Beeswaxcandle)
The God of Abraham Praise by Thomas Olivers, 1725 - 1799 (Beeswaxcandle)
Nearer, My God, to Thee by Sarah Flower Adams, 1805 - 1848 (Beeswaxcandle)
Hark, the Herald Angels Sing by Charles Wesley, 1707 - 1788 (Beeswaxcandle)
Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun by Bishop Thomas Ken, 1637 - 1711 (Larry Wilson)
God Be with You Till We Meet Again by Jeremiah Eames Rankin, 1828 - 1904 (Larry Wilson)
The audiobook One Hundred and One Hymn Stories falls under the genres of , . It is written by .