
Wilde’s literary reputation has survived so much that I think it proof against any exhumation of articles which he or his admirers would have preferred to forget. As a matter of fact, I believe this volume will prove of unusual interest; some of the reviews are curiously prophetic; some are, of course, biassed by prejudice hostile or friendly; others are conceived in the author’s wittiest and happiest vein; only a few are colourless. And if, according to Lord Beaconsfield, the verdict of a continental nation may be regarded as that of posterity, Wilde is a much greater force in our literature than even friendly contemporaries ever supposed he would become.

Continue to listen:    
Prologue and Introduction (braindouche)
Dinners and Dishes (J. M. Smallheer)
A Modern Epic (Patti Brugman)
Shakespeare on Scenery (J. M. Smallheer)
A Bevy of Poets (Patti Brugman)
Parnassus Versus Philology (Gesine)
Hamlet at the Lyceum (John Rose)
Two New Novels (May 15, 1885) (John Rose)
Henry the Fourth at Oxford (John Rose)
Modern Greek Poetry (John Rose)
Olivia at the Lyceum (John Rose)
As You Like It at Coombe House (Patti Brugman)
A Handbook to Marriage (Cori Samuel)
Half-Hours with the Worst Authors (Patti Brugman)
One of Mr. Conway's Remainders (Patti Brugman)
To Read or Not to Read (J. M. Smallheer)
Twelfth Night at Oxford (Patti Brugman)
The Letters of a Great Woman (J. M. Smallheer)
News from Parnassus (John Rose)
Some Novels (Tim Bulkeley (1948-2019))
A Literary Pilgrim (Philippa Willitts)
Béranger in England (Carl Manchester)
The Poetry of the People (Kevin McAsh)
The Cenci (Cori Samuel)
Helena in Troas (Karen Savage)
Pleasing and Prattling (Cori Samuel)
Balzac in English (Ezwa)
Two New Novels (Sept. 16, 1880) (Cori Samuel)
Ben Jonson (Cori Samuel)
The Poets' Corner--I (Cori Samuel)
A Ride Through Morrocco (Cori Samuel)
The Children of the Poets (Denny Sayers (d. 2015))
New Novels (October 28, 1886) (John Rose)
A Politician's Poetry (John Rose)
Mr. Symonds' History of the Renaissance (cricket)
A 'Jolly' Art Critic (John Rose)
A Sentimental Journey Through Literature (Lizzie Driver)
Common-Sense in Art (Kevin McAsh)
Miner and Minor Poets (Lizzie Driver)
A New Calendar (Sarah Jennings)
The Poets' Corner--II (Carl Manchester)
Great Writers by Little Men (Karen Savage)
A New Book on Dickens (Kirsten Ferreri)
Our Book-Shelf (Carl Manchester)
A Cheap Edition of a Great Man (Karen Savage)
Mr. Morris's Odyssey (Karen Savage)
A Batch of Novels (Robin Cotter)
Some Novels (Robin Cotter)
The Poets' Corner--III (Robin Cotter)
Mr. Pater's Imaginary Portraits (Robin Cotter)
A Good Historical Novel (Robin Cotter)
New Novels (August 20, 1887) (Robin Cotter)
Two Biographies of Keats (Leon Mire)
A Scotchman on Scottish Poetry (Karen Savage)
Literary and Other Notes--I (Lucy Burgoyne (1950 - 2014))
Mr. Mahaffy's New Book (Lizzie Driver)
Mr. Morris's Completion of the Odyssey (Karen Savage)
Sir Charles Bowen's Virgil (Karen Savage)
Literary and Other Notes--II (cricket)
Aristotle at Afternoon Tea (Stoker Lyceum)
Early Christian Art in Ireland (Kirsten Ferreri)
Literary and Other Notes--III (Lucy Burgoyne (1950 - 2014))
The Poets' Corner--IV (Philippa Willitts)
Literary and Other Notes--IV (Lizzie Driver)
The Poets' Corner--V (RedToby)
Venus or Victory (Lucy Burgoyne (1950 - 2014))
Literary and Other Notes--V (Anna Simon)
The Poets' Corner--VI (RedToby)
M. Caro on George Sand (Sandra in Wales, United Kingdom)
The Poets' Corner--VII (RedToby)
A Fascinating Book (Sarah Jennings)
The Poets' Corner--VIII (Philippa Willitts)
A Note on Some Modern Poets (cricket)
Sir Edwin Arnold's Last Volume (Lucy Burgoyne (1950 - 2014))
Australian Poets (Lucy Burgoyne (1950 - 2014))
Some Literary Notes--I (Anna Simon)
Poetry and Prison (Christian Pecaut)
The Gospel According to Walt Whitman (Denny Sayers (d. 2015))
The New President (Carl Manchester)
Some Literary Notes--II (cricket)
One of the Bibles of the World (Leon Mire)
Poetical Socialists (Carl Manchester)
Mr. Brander Matthews' Essays (J. M. Smallheer)
Some Literary Notes--III (cricket)
Mr. William Morris's Last Book (Greg Elmensdorp)
Adam Lindsay Gordon (Lucy Burgoyne (1950 - 2014))
The Poets' Corner--IX (Philippa Willitts)
Some Literary Notes--IV (Kirsten Ferreri)
Mr. Froude's Blue-Book (J. M. Smallheer)
Some Literary Notes--V (cricket)
Ouida's New Novel (Lizzie Driver)
Some Literary Notes--VI (Gesine)
A Thought-Reader's Novel (Anna Simon)
The Poets' Corner--X (rachelellen)
Mr. Swinburne's Last Volume (rachelellen)
Three New Poets (rachelellen)
A Chinese Sage (Leon Mire)
Mr. Pater's Last Volume (spiritualbeing)
Primavera (Karen Savage)
Index of Authors and Books Reviewed (Cori Samuel)
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