Short Poetry Collection 246

This is a collection of 37 poems read in English by LibriVox volunteers during November 2023.

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After Apple Picking (Ronald Gardella)
Afternoon On A Hill (minneapolis)
The Angels (Ike Sherr)
The Beginning (Bruce Kachuk)
The Disappointed: Pindaric Ode (Public Domain Scholar)
The End (Dale Grothmann)
Endymion (Ike Sherr)
Ennui (mleigh)
The Eye (minneapolis)
A Farewell to Arms (Ike Sherr)
The Ghost Girl (Dale Grothmann)
Love in May (vahnikah)
Metaphysics (Dale Grothmann)
Mice (mleigh)
The Mountains (Winston Tharp)
Only (mleigh)
Only a Fragrant Spray (minneapolis)
Redeemed (Larry Wilson)
The Road Not Taken (Ronald Gardella)
Smoky Fancies (kwudf)
Sonnet for Byron (Byron! how sweetly sad thy melody) (Alan Mapstone)
Sonnet for Chatterton (O Chatterton! how very sad thy fate) (Alan Mapstone)
Sonnet for Spenser (Spenser! a jealous honourer of thine) (Alan Mapstone)
Still, in the meadow by the brook I lay (Newgatenovelist)
The sun is lord of life and colour (Winston Tharp)
Thanksgiving (Norah Nelson)
The Thief on the Cross (Larry Wilson)
Two Roses (kwudf)
Up at a Villa - Down in the City (Algy Pug)
The Voice (Bruce Kachuk)
The Voice of God (Larry Wilson)
The warm, moist kiss of April on the grass (Newgatenovelist)
The Wayfarers (Bruce Kachuk)
When I have fears that I may cease to be (Winston Tharp)
Where man has conquered nature dies (Newgatenovelist)
A Wish (kwudf)
The Wood Pile (Ronald Gardella)
The audiobook Short Poetry Collection 246 falls under the genres of . It is written by .