The Camp Fire Girls' Careers
Author(s): Margaret Vandercook
Genre(s): Action & Adventure
Narrators: Joy Dunne, AleeseeyaVO, Nancy Gorgen, Paige Eissinger, Alychew, Rohit Gokhale, Glendav7, Melissa Griffin, Anne Ryan, Ny Swanson, MFQ1
Number of Chapters: 21
Length: 04 hours and 26 minutes
Language: English
The next volume in the Camp Fire Series shall be known as "The Camp Fire Girls' Careers." The group of girls who first came together to spend a summer as a Camp Fire Club in the woods are now grown up and life has, of course, altered and widened for all of them. The question now is, what will each girl do to make her future happy and successful? Will she marry well or ill, or will she choose to follow some career in which marriage has no part? Although the fifth volume is to deal with the original number of heroines, it will be more largely devoted to the most brilliant and erratic of the twelve Camp Fire Girls, Polly O'Neill.