The Children's Book of Birds

The Children's Book of Birds combines under a single cover the First and Second Books of Birds, originally published in 1899 and 1901 respectively. The book is intended to interest young people in the ways and habits of birds and to stimulate them to further study and to provide some account of the life and habits, to arouse sympathy and interest in the living bird, neither as a target nor as a producer of eggs, but as a fellow-creature whose acquaintance it would be pleasant to make. - Summary from Preface

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Preface (Marie Christian)
FIRST BOOK: What you want to know (Marie Christian)
When they come in the Spring (Marie Christian)
THE NESTLING: The Bird's Home (Marie Christian)
The Baby Bird (Marie Christian)
How he is fed (Marie Christian)
His First Suit (Catherine Leach)
How he changes his Clothes (Catherine Leach)
His First Flight (Brant Burgiss)
His Education (Lucas)
Some of his Lessons (Gerald Moe)
THE BIRD GROWN UP: The Bird's Language (jenno)
What he eats (jenno)
More about his Food (jenno)
Where he sleeps (Dean Leggiero)
His Travels (Dean Leggiero)
His Winter Home (Dean Leggiero)
His Family and Friends (Dean Leggiero)
His Kindness to others (Jessica Burns)
His Affections (jenno)
His Intelligence (BookBard)
HOW HE IS MADE:His Body (rupiess9)
His Beak and Tongue (rupiess9)
His Eyes and Ears (rupiess9)
His Feet and Legs (rupiess9)
His Wings and Tail (rupiess9)
His Dress (rupiess9)
Different colored Suits (rupiess9)
HIS RELATIONS WITH US: How he works for us (jpliao)
How to attract him about our homes (BookBard)
How to study him (jpliao)
SECOND BOOK: What is a Bird Family? (jpliao)
The Thrush Family (Matt Swartz)
The Kinglet and Gnatcatcher Family (dc)
The Nuthatch and Chickadee Family (mleigh)
The Creeper Family (JPTVoice)
The Cave-dwelling Family (First Branch) (jenno)
The Cave-dwelling Family (Second Branch) (jenno)
The Dipper Family (dc)
The Wagtail Family (Sheridan)
The Warbler Family (Snow Owl)
The Vireo Family (dc)
The Shrike Family (dc)
The Waxwing Family (Sheridan)
The Swallow Family (Sheridan)
The Tanager Family (Marie Christian)
The Sparrow and Finch Family (Snow Owl)
The Grosbeak Branch (JPTVoice)
The Crossbill Branch (Helen Cole)
The Blackbird Family (jenno)
The Meadow Starlings (Larry Wilson)
The Oriole Branch (jenno)
The Crow-Blackbird Branch (Claudia Caldi)
The Crow Family (Carolyn Aldridge)
The Lark Family (prajak)
The Flycatching Family (prajak)
The Humming Family (prajak)
The Swift Family (prajak)
The Goatsucker Family (prajak)
The Woodpecker Family (prajak)
The Kingfisher Family (prajak)
The Cuckoo Family (prajak)
The Owl Family (Kerry Adams)
The Barn Owl Family (Kerry Adams)
The Hawk and Eagle Family (Kerry Adams)
The Scavenger Family (Alan Mapstone)
Appendix (jenno)
The audiobook The Children's Book of Birds falls under the genres of , . It is written by .