The Iliad

The Iliad

Author(s): ,


Narrators: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Number of Chapters: 24

Length: 14 hours and 29 minutes

Language: English

The Iliad, together with the Odyssey, is one of two ancient Greek epic poems traditionally attributed to Homer. The poem is commonly dated to the 8th or 7th century BC, and many scholars believe it is the oldest extant work of literature in the Greek language, making it the first work of European literature. The existence of a single author for the poems is disputed as the poems themselves show evidence of a long oral tradition and hence, multiple authors. The poem concerns events during the tenth and final year in the siege of the city of Iliun, or Troy, by the Greeks. (Summary adapted from Wikipedia by Karen Merline.)

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Book I: The quarrel between Achilles and Agamemnon (Joshua B. Christensen)
Book II: Agamemnon's dream (ML Cohen)
Book III: Paris challenges Menelaus (hefyd)
Book IV: A quarrel in Olympus (hugh mac)
Book V: The exploits of Diomed (Joshua B. Christensen)
Book VI: Hector and Andromache (Kirsten Ferreri)
Book VII: Hector and Ajax fight (hugh mac)
Book VIII: The victory of the Trojans (Mark F. Smith)
Book IX: The embassy to Achilles (Michael Hellein)
Book X: Ulysses and Diomed go out as spies (Anna Simon)
Book XI: Agamemnon's day of glory (Pete Darby)
Book XII: The Trojans break the wall (ML Cohen)
Book XIII: Neptune helps the Achaeans (ML Cohen)
Book XIV: Agamemnon proposes retreat (Kelly Dougherty)
Book XV: Apollo heals Hector (Kevin LaVergne)
Book XVI: Patroclus fights in the armor of Achilles (Brad Powers)
Book XVII: The light around the body of Patroclus (ML Cohen)
Book XVIII: The shield of Achilles (Anna Simon)
Book XIX: Achilles goes out to fight (Gesine)
Book XX: Achilles fights Aeneas (entr0p3te)
Book XXI: Achilles drives the Trojans back (Leon Mire)
Book XXII: The death of Hector (ML Cohen)
Book XXIII: The funeral games of Patroclus (Måns Broo)
Book XXIV: Priam ransoms Hector's body (ontheroad)
The audiobook The Iliad falls under the genres of . It is written by , .