The Theory of the Theatre, and Other Principles of Dramatic Criticism

The Theory of the Theatre, and Other Principles of Dramatic Criticism


Genre(s): ,

Narrators: , , , , , ,

Number of Chapters: 23

Length: 05 hours and 31 minutes

Language: English

A collection of essays by American critic Clayton Hamilton concerning theatre & dramatic practices, and the criticism thereof, from an early 20th century perspective. - Summary by Andrew Gaunce

Continue to listen:    
Preface (Andrew Gaunce)
What is a Play? (Andrew Gaunce)
The Psychology of Theatre Audiences (Owlivia)
The Actor and the Dramatist (ToddHW)
Stage Conventions in Modern Times (Colleen McMahon)
Economy of Attention in Theatrical Performances (ToddHW)
Emphasis in the Drama (VocalPenguin)
The Four Leading Types of Drama (VocalPenguin)
The Modern Social Drama (VocalPenguin)
The Public and the Dramatist (Andrew Gaunce)
Dramatic Art and the Theatre Business (ToddHW)
The Happy Ending in the Theatre (Larry Wilson)
The Boundaries of Approbation (VocalPenguin)
Imitation and Suggestion in the Drama (thestorygirl)
Holding the Mirror Up to Nature (thestorygirl)
Blank Verse on the Contemporary Stage (ToddHW)
Dramatic Literature and Theatric Journalism (Owlivia)
The Intention of Permanence (VocalPenguin)
The Quality of New Endeavor (ToddHW)
The Effect of Plays Upon the Public (thestorygirl)
Pleasant and Unpleasant Plays (Larry Wilson)
Themes in the Theatre (thestorygirl)
The Function of Imagination (Andrew Gaunce)
The audiobook The Theory of the Theatre, and Other Principles of Dramatic Criticism falls under the genres of , . It is written by .